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This world will never be what it’s supposed to be without equality for women.
Equality for everyone is exactly how life should be lived. . . all over
the world.

My Book

When you hear the words Happy Couples you naturally think of two people in LOVE. Part of this book is about that kind of couple. But it’s also about the fact that on this planet there are a COUPLE OF GENDERS – not just one. And in my opinion the members of  both sides of this couple should be equally important – not just one. It’s also about the fact that in my opinion, if all members of both sides of this couple enjoyed true equality, it would make for a much happier couple – all over the world. Because this would make a better world for all of us.
As I write in the book, in my opinion the greatest tragedy that we never talk about is the almost complete suppression of female ability since the beginning of time. And the entire human race isn’t what it should be because of it. You see, when half the human race is suppressed and kept from being all it could be, the entire human race is suppressed and prevented from being all that it should be – all over the world.
 There will be people who say this book is pro woman. And I understand why. But in the bigger picture this book is actually pro human race. After all you can’t be pro human race (all of us) without also being pro woman (half of us). Think about – it can’t be wrong for everyone to be treated right.
Furthermore equality is just another way of saying fairness. No one that I know of will say they’re against fairness.  Therefore no person that any of us knows should be against equality.

About the author

Hi, I’m Rick Monddarrell and I’d like to tell you about myself. In this particular situation that includes telling you about my writing style and how my mind works.

My Writing Style And Way Of Thinking

I seem to be good at getting by the nonsense and getting to the point. To better understand please cup your hands together and imagine  the truth is sitting  in the middle of them. Now, imagine that a bunch of nonsense is covering the truth. I’ve always been good at shoveling the nonsense out of the way. I compare it to a puppy eagerly digging dirt out of a hole in the backyard. In my mind I keep digging until all the dirt and nonsense is out of the way and all that’s left behind is the truth. I then like to hold that truth up for everyone to see. That’s how my brain works and that’s my writing style.

Also, both of my parents are from small southern towns but I was raised in the city. This also influenced my writing style. Therefore, I might sometimes sound like a country boy. At other times I might sound like a city boy. But after all is said and done I’m just a down to earth guy who knows that while this world will never be perfect it can be better than it is today. I guess you could say this is my contribution in that direction.

If you enjoy this book half as much as I enjoyed writing it I will have put a smile on your face at least once, and that to me is a beautiful thing.

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Equality is just another word for fairness. None of us is against fairness. Therefore it makes no sense for any of us to be against equality.
Rick Monddarrell