When someone hears the word HAPPY COUPLES they naturally think of two people in love. But we need to remember the fact that on this planet their are a couple of genders. Not just one. And that both genders are to be respected. Not just one. I'd like to add that in my opinion if equality took place between the two genders it would make for a much happier couple-all over the world.
#metoo, we should all be femenist, Girlpower, Women'sequality, amy poehler's smart girls, mindy kaling, gloria steinem, Happy Couples, funny women, Francis Mcdormand, inspirational quotes for women,
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Hi I’m Rick Monddarrell an almost but not quite senior. I’m a person who’s been frustrated for many years due to the fact that I’ve always had things inside of me that I’ve wanted to share. But I couldn’t because of fact that I grew up with and still have a bad stuttering problem. However the situation has in many ways been alleviated  by modern technology. In this case the ability to publish a book by way of the internet. Now like anyone else I can share my thoughts with the world. This my first of hopefully many books is titled







 When we hear the words Happy Couples we quite naturally think of a couple of people living happily in love. Part of this book is about that kind of couple. But as I write in the My Book section of my website it’s also about the fact that on this planet there are a COUPLE OF GENDERS – not just one. And in my opinion  the members of both sides of this couple should be equally important – not just one. It’s also about the fact that in my opinion if all members of both sides of this couple enjoyed true equality it would make for a much happier couple – all over the world. Because this would make a better world for all of us.


  • I’ll start this conversation by asking do you believe in the fact that women are equal? I do. And I believe this for one simple reason… Because they are.
  • With the above in mind please know that in my opinion this world will never be all that it’s suppose to be without equality for women because equality for every one is exactly how life is supposed to be lived – all over the world.
  • If you know someone who needs an example of how much better the world would be if women had always been treated as equals open up the book and have them read WHICH EARTH WOULD BE BETTER?
  • Want to teach men the fact that all women should enjoy respect and equality not just the ones they know and love? Have them read DAUGHTERS.
  • If you know someone who doesn’t do his fair share of housework make sure he reads the short story OLD SCHOOL BOB.  He will better  understand the meaning of fairness once he’s finished reading this chapter.
  • If you’re the type who wouldn’t mind an uplifting story about a love that last forever, please read THE ROMANTICS.
  • If you want a story that teaches true love isn’t found on the outside of the human eye but on the inside of the human heart be sure to read AND THEY WERE SO BEAUTIFUL.
  • Need an article that teaches little girls that there’s nothing she can’t accomplish based on her gender? Have her read ROLE MODELS. This may open her eyes up to a world of opportunities for herself as well as for other girls.
  • If you want a story that teaches men of all ages that they already know women are equal (They just haven’t thought about it yet) be sure to have them read A CONVERSATION WITH A GROUP OF YOUNG MEN.
  • If you’d like a book written by an author who stands in solidarity with the people of the #ME TOO MOVEMENT I just might be the author for you.
  • You want to teach teen – aged girls to stand up for themselves and say no? And at the same time teach boys to respectfully listen? SAVING IT FOR is the story for you.
  • If you want to talk about one solution for  sexual double standards that go against grown women you’ll love, while laughing, All of a sudden.
  • If you want a story about a boy who finds out his divorced  mother is dating again and handles it with respect and love for his mother please read SON.

To all the good men out there I’m not saying women are superior to men. I am however saying they’re equal. And I believe this for one simple reason…. Because they are.

This is just a small list of the ideas, opinions and thoughts is this book.  For  more info. about the author or the book please see the about and or my book section of this website.

This book and blog are simply from the mind of the author who isn’t a therapist of any type. The book consist of thoughts, ideas and stories that have been on my mind for years now. And I finally get to share them with you as a imaginative writer.



Many years ago when I was a much younger man my niece was a bright eyed three year old who spoke very well for a child her age. In fact she spoke better than me. This child adored me and would follow me around and sometimes imitate the things she’d see me do. As a result I was often hesitant to speak in front of her for fear she might imitate my speech pattern and start a lifelong bad habit. But of course I’d talk to her. However when I felt words getting caught up in my throat, instead of struggling to continue I’d make her laugh with a funny face or by tickling her. And other adults who knew what I was doing would sometimes step in and take over the conversation. Then one day she walked into a room without me noticing her and she heard me stuttering. When I looked over and saw her I noticed she looked confused and worried. But before she could say anything her mother came in and took her away. Over the next few months this happened a few more times and each time she’d get that heart touching look on her face. Eventually, one day I was at her place talking with a room full of adults when she, not knowing I was visiting, walked into the room with a bad case of the hiccups. As usual when a small child enters a room full of adults all attention turned to her. As they talked to her and  she in turn spoke back words struggled to escape her mouth because of the hiccups she was dealing with. She’d say a few  words clearly then struggle. Then say a few words and then once struggle to speak. This happened several times before she glanced over and saw me which caused her to shout  with joy ‘Uncle Rick uncle Rick’ as she ran over and jumped into my arms. When she began talking to me everything was fine for just a little while. Then because of her hiccups she began to have a bit of trouble getting the words on her mind to leave her mouth. Then when it was my turn to speak everything was fine for just a little while. Then because of my stutter  I began to have  trouble getting the words on my mind to leave my mouth. At that moment a beautiful smile blossomed on her face. It was a smile that said okay now I get it and that she was so happy to have finally figured something out. At this point her mom came in looking for her because it was time for her to take a nap.

Then one day not long after her personal day of the hiccups I was attending a family picnic when I saw her across the yard.  She was with a  friend her age whom I didn’t know. I watched them as they darted about eagerly searching for something to be curious about as children their age often do. When my niece looked across the yard and saw me she grabbed her friend by the hand and started the trip towards me. I stood there smiling as these happy little girls made their way between and around the forest of tall people trees and came over to talk to me. She greeted me with what she often called the world’s biggest hugs after which she introduced me to her new friend. We then began our conversation and of course my stutter made it’s usual appearance. The smile on my niece’s face didn’t change. But the look on her friends’ face said she was confused and worried just as my niece used to look when she’d hear me stutter. When my niece glanced over and saw the look on her friend’s face she wiggled her hand to make her look at her. After which she said “Don’t  worry that’s uncle Rick. It’s okay it’s just that sometimes he gets the hiccups between the words that he speaks.”

Now many years after that day, as a man who likes telling stories I hope you don’t find any hiccups between the words that I write.

Thank You


Copyright Rick Monddarrell  ©







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